20024 Hwy. 105
Cleveland, Texas 77328
Dealer Information
  1. Booth rent is due in full on the first of each month. Please pay your rent by 2:00 p.m. Sunday so that we may finish our books by closing time.
  2. You must have a Sales Tax number to rent a booth.
  3. You may put merchandise on the outside boundary of your booth, behind the yellow line.
  4. All items must be placed inside your booth on Sunday night before you leave and all lights, fan, radios, etc must be turned off.
  5. Carts are provided for your use. Please return them to the proper place when you are finished.
  6. Dumpsters are provided at the back for flea market garbage, not your unwanted items.
  7. No food or drinks may be sold from your booth.
  8. No unattended children. No bicycles, skateboards, scooters or wheeled shoes on the property.
  9. ABSOLUTELY NO ALCHOL on these premises at any time.
  10. NO ANIMALS are allowed or can be sold on these premises.
  12. NO FIREARMS are allowed to be traded or sold on these premises.
  13. Please try to bring your own change. We do have some change but do not always have enough.

If you have any problems or questions come to the office and we will be happy to help you. 281-592-6017

  1. Table rent is $25.00 per table per day on Saturday and $30.00 per table per day on Sunday; camp fee is $10.00 per day due before you set up on a table.
  2. You MUST park your vehicle at your table space. Each table space is 10’ wide x 20’ ft. EVERYTHING must be behind the YELLOW line and in line with your table. One vehicle allowed per table.
  3. If you reserve a table you must check in and pay before 8:00 a.m. If you want the same table on Sunday you must pay on Saturday by 3:00 p.m. If you want to reserve the same table for the next weekend you must reserve it by 3:00 p.m. Sunday.
  4. We will take phone reservations from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. starting on the Tuesday of the weekend you want to set up. If you cancel credit will be given if you call by 8:00 a.m. of the reserved date.
  5. No loud music, alcohol, or profanity allowed (this includes on clothing). Shirt, shoes and proper attire must be worn.
  6. No skateboarding, bicycling. rollerblading, scooters or heeled shoes on the premises.
  7. Parents or guardians are responsible for minor children brought onto the premises.
  8. The following items cannot be sold: food, drinks, guns and animals
  9. The following will not be allowed for any reason: alcoholic beverages, loud music or amplifiers, or animals to include pets, for sale or exhibition. ABSOLUTELY NO ANIMALS ALLOWED.
  10. No one can set up before Friday and must remove everything on the day they leave; either Saturday or Sunday.
  11. All dealers are responsible for their sales tax and permits.
  12. No one is allowed on these premises during the week other than the paid campers staying on the property.
  13. We reserve the right to evict any vendor or patron.

If you have any problems or questions come to the office and we will be happy to help you. 281-592-6017

• All pricing and regulations subject to change without notice •
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